Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Yellow Souls

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Yellow Souls

Yellow SoulDescriptionCharacterStats
AliorumnasIncrease MND.SomaMND +1
Bone PillarIncrease CON.SomaCON +1
The CreatureRestore HP gradually.SomaNone
Dead WarriorRaise LCK.SomaLCK +1
EctoplasmIncrease resistance to curses.SomaNone
ImpIncrease INT.SomaINT +1
MimicGain money when taking damage.SomaNone
MinotaurIncrease STR.SomaSTR +1
Peeping EyeIdentify breakable walls.SomaNone
SuccubusAbsorb HP when attacking.SomaNone
TreantIncrease MP Recovery speed.SomaNone
ZombieGain resistance to poison.SomaNone
Yellow SoulDescriptionCharacterStats
Updated: March 12, 2021 — 10:03 am