Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Enchanted Souls

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Enchanted Souls

Arc DemonRestores MP as damage is inflicted upon him.Inner Quarters (Top room past Chronomage in Quarters, enter from bottom)
BaelINT is increased by 12.The Arena, Top Floor (Square room up and left from Top Floor warp point, enter from bottom)
BasiliskDefensive strength increases and offensive strength decreases.Top Floor, Chaotic Realm (Bottom of large open room in Top Floor, enter from right)
Dead CrusaderCON is increased by 16.Underground Reservoir, The Arena, Chaotic Realm (Vertical room directly above room outside Arena warp point)
Dead WarriorDeflect normal attacks by pressing Up + R.Floating Garden (Bottom right of 4 big rooms in Garden, enter from bottom left)
EctoplasmImmunity to curses.Study (Room above Study save point)
ErinysIncreases experience points by 120%.The Arena, Top Floor, Chaotic Realm (Second Arena challenge near save point, second door)
Flesh GolemEnjoys eating the oddest things.Underground Reservoir (Room directly above waterfall in Reservoir, small room to right)
GargoyleImmunity to petrification.Chapel, Underground Reservoir, The Arena, Top Floor, Forbidden Area (Second room in Arena, enter from bottom right)
Ghost DancerLCK is increased by 4.Chapel, Dance Hall (Large square shaped room in Dance Hall, enter from bottom)
Giant WormWhen motionless, HP are gradually restored.Underground Reservoir (Starting from Reservoir warp point, head towards left save point 4 rooms)
GolemSTR is increased by 12.Floating Garden, Clock Tower (Second vertical room above first Tower save point, enter from bottom)
GorgonCON is increased by 12.Floating Garden, Underground Reservoir (Two rooms directly below Reservoir warp point, enter from right)
GremlinLCK is increased by 8.Clock Tower (Starting from 2nd Tower save, travel 5 rooms towards 1st save, 5th room)
HeadhunterCollect souls to increase strength.Inner Quarters (Defeat Headhunter boss)
Iron GolemWithstand a lot of damage without flinching.Top Floor, Chaotic Realm (Room below large open area of Top Floor (beside Hyppogryph soul). Use the Killer Mantle to kill Iron Golem in one hit)
LilithINT is increased by 8.Inner Quarters (Long hallway below Inner Quarters warp point, enter from right)
LubicantGains strength as it loses HP.The Arena, Top Floor, Chaotic Realm (First Arena challenge near save point, top door)
MimicIncreases money as damage is incurred.Forbidden Area, Dance Hall, Chaotic Realm (Room with Joyeuse sword at end of path past ship in Forbidden Area)
MinotaurSTR is increased by 8.Study, Dance Hall (Hallway right below upper Hall save point, enter from left)
Peeping EyeIdentifies breakable walls.Castle Corridor (Room left of 2nd Corridor save, enter and exit from bottom of room)
Poison WormImmunity to poison.Underground Reservoir, Forbidden Area (Two rooms directly below Reservoir warp point in middle of room)
QuezlcoatlCON is increased by 8.Chapel, Dance Hall (Small room directly above Hall warp point)
Red CrowINT is increased by 4.Floating Garden (Top right of 4 main rooms in Garden, enter from top left side)
Skeleton KnightSTR is increased by 4.Castle Corridor, Chapel, Dance Hall (Small vertical room near 3rd Corridor save point (at the bottom)
SkulaAllows you to walk while underwater.Clock Tower (Room after Death battle)
StolasINT is increased by 16.Top Floor, Chaotic Realm (From Top Floor warp point, head up and left 3 rooms)
SuccubusAbsorbs enemies HP when an ordinary attack is delivered.The Arena, Top Floor, Chaotic Realm (Small room two rooms up from Arena save point)
TritonSTR is increased by 16.Underground Reservoir, Chaotic Realm (Two rooms directly below Reservoir warp point, enter either side)
TsuchinokoAllows you to buy goods at cheaper prices.Dance Hall (Room left of Big Golem boss battle, keep entering and exiting until he is above ground to kill him)
UndineWalk on water surfaces.Inner Quarters (Area above and right of Headhunter boss)
White DragonCON is increased by 4.Castle Corridor, Chapel, Dance Hall (Few rooms above and right of 2nd Corridor save point, single room)
Wooden GolemMP recovery rate is increased.Dance Hall (Horizontal room below first hallway in Dance Hall, enter from left)
ZombieBecomes stronger when poisoned.Castle Corridor (Any of the first few hallways in the Corridor)
Zombie OfficerJumping while taking damage restores healthCastle Corridor, Chapel, Dance Hall (Room right of Corridor warp point, enter and exit from warp room)
Updated: October 22, 2021 — 2:59 pm